Meet the Owner

Marine Corps Veteran, Mom of two, Business Grad, Passionate Designer + Professional Organizer


Today, many struggle trying to find the balance between the demands of work, schedules, and caregiving. It can feel daunting when the laundry is piling up, the list of to-do’s need to be checked off, and we begin accumulating things over time. Eventually, we become unorganized, struggle to find the time to maintain, and the functionality of our space no longer serves our needs. It can interfere with our relationships, mental health, sleep, and the balance of time. Britt’s mission is to provide organizing solutions that create comfortable and functional spaces while giving her clients the confidence and the skills to maintain them.

About Britt

Britt’s eye for interior design came at an early age, having an interest in art, taking up private sewing, drawing, watercolor, and photography lessons. She began using these skills to sew drapes, and define symmetry by choosing patterns, colors, and shapes that best suit one another for a space, where she applied many of these skills to family and friends’ homes.

In 2014, Britt began working for a start-up lighting distributor as a Project Manager, coordinating lighting packages for large retail chain stores in conjunction with design engineers, and contractors. Learning about lighting design, color temperatures, and the power it can have on a space, she began to hone in on her skills further. When properly applied, lighting can bring a different value, texture, or vibe to an area or space. Various colors, tones, or textures used under different types of lighting (LED, Fluorescent, Incandescent, etc.), lumens, or cone of coverage can make a room feel dirty, tired, or un-organized. When we design, choose colors, or objects, it’s important to consider the lighting options we are working with. When we have too much clutter in a room, it can grab lighting, dim, and make your space work against you.

Leaving Project Management behind in 2017, Britt and her family moved to the Carolina’s to raise their two kids, where she jumped into the organizing community online as a Blogger. This welcoming community gave her more confidence to design, self educate, eventually working on furniture rehab projects, upholstery, and shelving.

Moving from Raleigh in 2020, Britt is passionate to bring her knowledge of organizing and design to the Charleston Area. When we live an organized life, free from overwhelming clutter, we become more efficient, better versions of our best selves, and ready to thrive!